Installation view of single screen video animation
Commissioned by Droog Design Amsterdam
For Onward & Forward – Art in the Garden of Life
Lost Spring began as a thought gesture, rather than an intentional work. During the first surreal weeks of Covid-19, staying mostly homebound. The tradition of celebrating the cherry blossoms, hanami, in Asia are magical and poetic reminders of the cycles of life. Face masks are also familiar to me from my many visits to Japan and South Korea, and at the time hotly debated in their efficiency to limit the spread of the virus. Masks to protect, masks to celebrate, masks to remember, masks to mourn. Flowers and plants too as medicine and talisman, fertility and healing. Imagery of La Primavera and Ophelia referenced early in my career also returned.
With all these meandering thoughts, I began daily walks to my local park in Amsterdam. Veering frequently off the formal pathways, to keep my safe distance, slowing my pace and appreciating the beginnings of spring. And so, began this playful series of face masks created from the local flora of Amsterdam West shot simply on my iPhone. A daily ritual and form of discovery or mapping not only of the blooms but also perhaps my emotional state, that has been shared on social media with friends around the world, many of whom were in stricter confines, or mourning.
The series has since been exhibited online, in print form, been made into postage stamps, as well as video animations and installations.

International Priority Postage Stamp Edition
A special playful artists edtion in the form of postage stamps, where the intimacy of saliva and travel across borders is safe and possible once more. The postage stamos are printed to order by Post NL. You can use them within / from the Netherlands, or keep them as collectors items and memento.
Available to order, in sheets of five identical blooms.